It has been a whole month since I arrived in France and it is hard to believe already that much time has passed. This week was another busy one as classes are in full swing. I have signed my class contract and am now officially enrolled in Constitutional Law of the 5th Republic of France, Law of the European Union, Comparative Politics, History and Civilization of France, French Language and Sociology of the Israeli Palestinen Conflict. It is a lot, two more classes than I would normally take in the States but here classes only meet once a week for two hours at a time. I also am supposed to drop one class, they want us to budget in the fact that we might fail at least one class. It is rather intimidating because even students who were here last semester are worried about grades. Crossing my fingers and working hard!
Wednesday was a religious holiday which the French use as an excuse to eat crepes. We were invited to dinner at Helene's, a 4th year from school, and spent the evening rotating in and out of French and English. I did learn that all the French students who have studied abroad in the States love Jon Stewart as much as I do!
On Thursday night I went to my first theatre piece at the Theatre National de Bretagne. It was called La vie est un reve ( life is a dream). It was really complicated but quite amazing and the acting was incredible. The play was very modern and the set was as well. I went with my second year mentor Dimitri and we managed to get front row center seats. I have never been so close to the stage. After the show the student ticket organizer from the theatre invited Dimitri and I to have drinks with the actors in the lounge so we were able to meet a couple of them and speak to them about their experience. One of the best nights in Rennes so far. I go to see Leaves at the same theatre in a few weeks.
We have started a new tradition in the dorm, Brinner on Fridays. Everyone was quite jealous of our french toast and bacon. It was a challenge finding everything we needed for a real american Brinner but in the end we even managed to find maple syrup from Canada. It wasn't quite the amazing syrup from where I am from but it was pretty good considering we are in France. Our friends from Europe were interested to know that people from the States eat breakfast for dinner so often.
Hopefully we will catch some of the Superbowl tonight and then its back to school early tomorrow morning. Have a great week!
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