Yet another eventful day here in France. Ran around for another hour trying to find a bank open on Mondays, apparently most banks here are closed on Sundays and Mondays ( I cannot imagine what would happen in banks in the states tried to do this) and we all needed to open bank accounts asap. So found one and spent a good half hour trying to sign bank contracts with a woman who spoke no English. Thank goodness I have learned the smile and nod. Surprising I understood almost everything. I will soon be outfitted with a french bank card and proceed with my blending in. I finally have some photos for all of you. These first few are from the Marche de Lices which is the big food market on Saturday mornings here in the town square and then there are a few of my dorm. Warning: the photos are legitimate and my room is, yes, about the size of a closet. In addition my mailing address is ( I believe):
Morgan E. Saunders
Cité Université Patton
125 A
12 Rue de Houx
35700 Rennes France
Love from France! Enjoy the Photos
Make sure Dan sees the pictures of your room! He had no idea he was living large in the converted storage closet @ 70 Delmar.